
my view on oppotunities

there are a great many examples of dishonesty in our society and it not just confined to the criminal class.many people in all walks of life,somtimes ,find it hard to speak the truth on occasion.

there is a big difference between telling lies to deliberately mislead people ,in order to gain some sort of dishonesty advantage ,and telling a lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings.the latter is often referred to as a white lie because it usually does no harm and is movtivated more by politeness.dishonesty is not restricted to telling lies but covers a wide range of actions by corrption.taking and using other people's property without their consent is dishonesty.

however,it pays to be honesty if a person wishes to retain their self respect and integrity.


motorcycles and city traffic

motorcycles have become very popular in chinese cities because they are the ideal form of transport,able to carry loads,and passengers,at a faster speed than a bicycle.

the advantages and disadvantages of motorcycles tend to balance out.motorcycles are affordable to buy and cheap to run.another advantages of the motorcycles is its ability to move through traffic ,it is easier to park than a motorcar.one of the main disavantages is in the safety aspect.it doesent matter if the motorcyclist is in the right or the wrong t should an accident occur.

in my opinion,i believe the future of the motorcycle is here to say.it has become an economic necessity for a great number of people.in addition ,it has an environmental advantages over its bigger cousin,the motor car.


Issues on Weight Reducing

Losing weight has become fashionable,especially with young girls who want to emulate the models that adorn the many women'magazines.The international fashion industry exemplife the obsession with losing weight by insisiting their models be slim and elegant to the point of completly losing their figue.

Being overweight can affect a person's health and it makes sense to try and lose excess weight.This can be achieved in practical ways by eating the right food and getting excercise on a regular basis.There are many books available on how to lose weight ande many specialized companies have been established to help people get into shape through excercise and dieting.

Losing weight can be taken to the extrem and result in life threatening conditions such as anorexia and bulimia.Many examples have been publicized as a warning to people who become obsessed with the need to lose weight.


Should Euthanasia Be Legalized

Some people are stong advocate of euthanasia because they believe it should be everyone 'right to end their life.When pain and suffering becomes too great people lose all faith in living and want to be put out of their misery.
The pros and cons are vigorously argued by those in favour of euthanasia and those groups who strongly oppose the idea.The opposition to euthanasia says that nobody has the right to take a life ,even if it is their own.They maitain there is always hope as long as there is life.People in favour of ehthanasia claim the quality of life needs to be considered especially,when life is only maitained by artificial means.
The problem with legalizing euthanasia concerns the matter of consent.The law needs to know that a person is of sound mind if they are to agree to terminate their life.When people are sick or frail,or on life support ,they can hardly be said to be of sound mind.



The traditional Chinese medicine consider the seven motions(happiness,anger,riment,thoughtfulnes,sadness,horrorand fright)as external expression of human psychomotilit yinnormal situation However。if psychological stimulation is too strong or lasts too long,leading the emotion over excited odepressed,it may cause maladj ustment of yirryang,disharmony of qi and blood,isfunction of zang-fu,finallv diseases happen.The traditional Chinese medicine always attach importance to the combination of psvchotherapeutic technique and acupuncture therapy,also to eliminate negative psychologic factors before and during the cure.There is a sentence in Huangdi Neijing(《黄帝内经》)which means that active psychology is favourable to recovery,contrarily,negative psychology goes against recovery.Therefore,only whendoctors cure people’s psychological problems and cure diseases with acupuncture at the same time can curative effect be satisfactory,leading to harmony of five zangand relative equilibriumof yirvyang.
There are many theories about howpsychologic factors affect disease processes in modern medicine.The one which has been accepted by most people is the stress theory,advanced by Canadian physiologist Selye.He points out that strong psychologic stimulation such as depression,tension,horror and anger,etc.may cause a series of neuroendocrine reaction in human body,mostly excite the sympathetic nerve,release catecholamine,increase secretion of cortin and anterior pituitary hormone,decrease secretion of insulin.The reaction mentioned above would cause all kinds of malfunction and decompensation.For examples,the excitement of sympathetic nerve may accelerate heartbeat,constrict capillary vessel,boost blood pressure;over constriction of capillary vessel may lead to mierocirculation ischemia;blood insufficiency to important viscera may cause incompetence and injury of tissue;over secretion of cortin may stimulate the secretion of stomach acid,cause gastric and duodenal ulcer.On the contrary,euphoric and balanced psychology harmonizes activities of organs and systems in human body.For example,secretion of cortinis sufficient;the whole endocrine systemis in a steady balanced state;the competence of immune systemand metabolism are strengthened.Consequently,human body would be capable to resist pathogenic microorganisms’aggression and rehabilitate injury of tissue,which is good for curing diseases.