
The Dai Meridian

The Dai Meridian originates below the hypochondriac region and runs obliquely downward through Daimai ( G 26 ) , Wushu ( G 27 ) , and Weidao ( G 28 ) . It runs transversely around the waist like a belt . The coalescent points of the Dai Meridian are Daimai ( G 26 ) , Wushu ( G 27 ) , and Weidao ( G 28 ) .The major purpose of the Girdle vessel is to regulate the Qi of the gall bladder. It is also responsible for the Qi's horizontal balance. If you have lost this balance, you will have lost your center and balance both mentally and physically.
From the point of view of Qigong, the Girdle vessel is also responsible for the strength of the waist area. When Qi is full and circulating smoothly, back pain will be avoided. In addition, because the kidneys are located nearby, this vessel is also responsible for Qi circulation around the kidneys, maintaining the kidneys' health. Most important of all for the Girdle vessel is the fact that the Lower Dan Tian is located in its area. In order to lead Original Qi from the kidneys to the Lower Dan Tian, the waist area must be healthy and relaxed. This means that the Qi flow in the waist area must be smooth. The training of the Girdle vessel has been highly developed, and will be discussed in a later YMAA Book.