
History of Traditonal Chinese Medicine 1

Anthropologists tell us that the primitive people all over the earth have practically the same myths, customs, beliefs and superstitions, differing only in unimportant details. Over long period of time human races and racial customs have changed, evolving gradually from a lower and plainer life to a higher and more complex one. Like the primitive folks of otherraces, the Chinese people in this early stage of existence lived in caves, ate wild fruits,drank animal blood and covered their groin with animal skin They had to fight against wild beasts and sometimes were wounded. With their mealtime being irregular, the food being coarse and uncooked, and the body exposed to all kinds of weather, stomach disorders and other diseases naturally followed. As the most universal symptom of disease, the first indication of something wrong with the living organism is pain. TO seek and apply remedies for it is the most imperative of the primeval instincts An injured dog licking its wound or seeking certain grass and herbs when sick, or a child stretching its cramped limbs or scratching its irritated body shows instinctive responses toward removing these pathogenic factors. Such instinctive reactions are the origins from which definite curative systems erisa.This is true of the origination of and development of traditonal Chinese medicin.