
Yinwei Meridian

The Yinwei Meridian starts from the medial aspect of the leg ( Zhuhin, K 9 ) , and ascends along the medial aspect of the thigh to the abdomen to communicate with the Spleen Meridian of Foot - Tajyin . Then it runs along the chest and communicates with the Ren Meridian at the neck ( Tiantu, Ren 22 ) , Lianquan, ( Ren 23 ) . The coalescent points of the Yinwei Meridian are Zhubin ( K 9 ) , Fushe ( Sp 13 ) , Daheng ( Sp 15 ) , Fuai ( Sp 16 ) , Qimen ( Liv 14 ) , Tiantu ( Ren 22 ) and Lianquan ( Ren 23 ) .
The Yin Linking vessel has connections with the kidney, spleen, and liver Yin channels. The Yin Linking vessel also communicates with the Conception vessel at two cavities. This vessel is not trained much in Gigong.