
What are meridians and collaterals?

jing-luo,is a general term for the merdians(jing mai) and collaterals(luo mai),which are the pathways through whici the qi and blood circultes within hunman body.Jing meas go through or a path.They are the main trunks,thick and large.They run longitudinally and are deep-level distributed within the body.They inculuded the twelve regular meridians,the eitht extra meridians and the twelve divergent meridians.Luo means something that connects" or "a net". They are branches of the meridians, thin and snamll. They run transversely and are dustrubyted superficially,and crisscross and net the whole body.They inculude the fifteen collaterals,the minute collaterals,and the superficial collaterals.